
Self Care Affirmations

Self Care Affirmations are statements that inspire, motivate, and highlight all the wonderful and beautiful qualities about yourself.

There are countless reasons why this is so important to do on consistent basis. Mainly because the amount to negativity that we face could be damaging. Nurturing your mind to a more positive state is never a bad thing.

The rewards of self care affirmations or better yet self love affirmations are truly powerful, as they have the power to increase self worthiness, self belief and self loving.

Any healthy and intentional practice that dissolves negativity is a win for us.

There is a fine line between positive self love and negative self love, this post will focus more on positive self love. As always, the best starting point is to examine your needs, wants, desire and goals. Once you have identified areas where you may want to improve, you can then list what your desired goal is.

For instance, I want to be more positive about myself . Then the next step would be to list triggers or scenarios that leads you to being negative and start working on those. Creating personalized self care or self love affirmations, will help you to start framing a positive mindset about yourself.


Tools for Self Care 


Master Your Emotions

This book showcases how to best deal, process and release negative emotions It gives you the power to navigate negative emotions.

  • Over 100,ooo copies sold
  • 31 simple coping strategies
  • A formula to reprogram your mind
  • How to make your emotions work FOR you.
  • A free downloadable workbook, and much, much more!



Affirmation Cards

These affirmation cards, truly are meant for mindset and emotional change, as they mainly focuses on positive attributes.

  • 36 Positive Affirmation CARDS.
  • Daily Affirmations Cards Deck, Inspirational Cards
  • Motivational cards are ideal for group or self therapy
  • Made of sturdy long durability cardstock  



Manifestation Workbook 

This manifestation workbook is great in focusing on your goals and applying the the rules of manifestation.

  • Undated Deluxe Law of Attraction Planner
  • Quickly eliminate procrastination and set goals
  • Perfect workbook for various life and work journals
  • 248 Pages of Life Transformations, 
  • 12 Month Journey to increase Productivity



Learning to Love Yourself

You are beautifully and wonderfully made, just the way you are, never stop loving yourself

  • How to Love Yourself Abundantly 
  • How to Love Your Feelings 
  • How to Love Your Body 
  • How to Clear Your Mind 



Different Types of Self Care

There are different types of self care and each one is important in creating and maintaining a healthy mindset and well being. Taking the time to nurture, heal, improve yourself is truly one of the best ways you can start your self care process. Self affirmations, are positive reminders of how worthy and deserving you are, of whatever it is that you are trying to achieve. Some of our favorite topics when it come to self care includes: 

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10 Support Groups That Will Change Your Life

10 Best Ways on How to Create a Self Care Guide


My insecurities and courage paint a beautiful story,
A canvas of shadows mixed with glory.
Each doubt a stroke, each fear a hue,
Yet through the chaos, my spirit breaks through.

In moments of silence, I hear my heart,
Whispering truths that set me apart.
Though insecurity may cast its dark veil,
Courage emerges, steadfast and frail.

With trembling hands, I face the unknown,
In the depths of my soul, I have grown.
Each tear a brushstroke, each laugh a ray,
Together they weave a vibrant display.

Crafting my story, come what may.

In this tapestry of my life, I find,
That courage and insecurity are intertwined.

With love as my palette, I create anew,
A beautiful story, uniquely true.




I am beautifully and wonderfully made,
A tapestry of colors that never fade.
Each piece of me, a work of art,
A masterpiece from the very start.

My hands, my voice, my beating heart,
Every part plays its perfect part.
In the light and shadow, I remain,
An exquisite soul, free from shame.

My imperfections tell stories untold,
Yet in their cracks, I turn to gold.             
A radiant force that leads me on.

No two alike, I’m one of a kind,
A reflection of beauty, body, and mind.
In every breath, I find my grace,
With love, I claim my rightful place.

Each cell, each thought, a gift to behold,
I am beautifully made, courageous and bold.
With every step, I celebrate,
That I am wonderfully made, it’s fate




I love myself sweet and tenderly,
A gentle whisper of serenity.
In every moment, in every way,
I cherish who I am today.

I wrap myself in soft embrace,
Letting love be my guiding grace.
Through every doubt, through every fear,
I hold myself close, year after year.

I nurture the dreams I long to chase,
With tender care and endless space.
No harsh words can tear me down,
For I wear love like a royal crown.

In my own heart, I’ve found a friend,
A love that will never bend.
I treasure every breath I take,
With each step, more joy I make.

My kindness shines, my spirit free,
I love myself, unconditionally.
Through life’s sweet moments, wild and wide,
I’ll always stand by my own side.




In the quiet corners of my heart,
A sweetness blooms, a work of art.
It whispers softly, gentle and pure,
A light that guides, a love that’s sure.

When shadows linger and doubts arise,
I find my strength beneath the skies.
For deep within, where the wildflowers grow,
Lies a sweetness that only I know.

With every smile, I choose to share,
A tender warmth that fills the air.
In laughter’s echo and kindness shown,
My inner sweetness has beautifully grown.

It flows like honey, rich and sweet,
A soothing balm for every heartbeat.
Through trials faced and battles fought,
I carry the love that cannot be bought.

In the simplest moments, it shines so bright,
Illuminating the path with its gentle light.
With open arms, I embrace each day,
Letting my sweetness guide my way.




I protect myself with kindness and care,
A shield of love beyond compare.
In every word, in every thought,
Kindness is the armor I’ve sought.

With hope as my guiding star,
I travel far, no matter how hard.
Through winding paths and unknown bends,
Kindness and hope remain my friends.

No harsh words can tear me apart,
For love and hope live in my heart.
I guard myself from life’s rough storms,
With gentle hands and hearts that warm.

I nurture dreams with tender light,
And hold on to hope with all my might.
No fear can shake what’s deep inside,
In kindness and hope, I choose to confide.

Each day begins with a gentle start,
As I protect the softness of my heart.
Through love and care, I rise above,
For I am guarded by hope and love.




I am kind to myself in every way,
With love and grace, I greet the day.
I forgive the moments when I fall,
For I am human, after all.

I speak to myself with words so light,
A gentle voice that feels just right.
In times of doubt, I hold my hand,
Reminding myself I always can.

I cherish my heart, my body, my soul,
For in this kindness, I become whole.
I honor the growth with every step,
With self-compassion, my soul is kept.

Through ups and downs, I choose to stay,
By my side, come what may.
I lift myself with love so true,
For kindness is the path I pursue.

No harsh judgment can cloud my mind,
I walk with grace, soft and kind.
I am my own best friend and guide,
With kindness, I stand by my side.




I am courageously strong, built from within,
A heart of steel, yet soft as skin.
With every step, I face the unknown,
Unafraid to walk this path alone.

The winds may howl, the seas may roar,
But I stand tall, ready for more.
In the face of fear, I don’t retreat,
My spirit unbreakable, no defeat.

I carry hope like a flame in the dark,
A fire ignited by each tiny spark.
No doubt can sway me, no pain too deep,
For strength within is mine to keep.

Each scar I wear is proof I’ve grown,
Through every challenge, my power’s shown.
I lift my head, my heart held high,
With wings of courage, I touch the sky.

For I am strong, in heart and soul,
A warrior of light, brave and whole.
Through every battle, I stand my ground,
For courage is where I am always found.




Self care is all about self love, take the time to love, encourage, uplift, motivate, nurture, declutter your space, spirit, mind, emotions and all that force or invade into your inner space or peace. Self care or Self love is a prescription that we ought to consistently prescribe for ourselves and most importantly, without any reservation or guilt. Self Care is Self You.

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